Children and Gentle Chiropractic- NO "popping" , "cracking" or twisting!

We pride ourselves on having a lot of children in our family of patients. Remember this: AS THE TWIG IS BENT SO GROWS THE TREE. Children have important needs as it pertains to their spine and chiropractic. We have 20 years of safely treating children with Gentle Chiropractic Care. From full spine, to Pro-Ajuster and activator techniques our doctors will determine which Gentle Chiropractic Care is best suited for your young one. As children age their spines change in shape, bone content and frame. Our doctors have special training to handle all of these stages. From newborns to 17 yrs. A young childs spine is a blend of cartilage and bone with growth centers at the ends of long bones and located in various other bones throughout the body. In the spine these growth centers of "ossification centers" can be damaged by misalignment possibly leading to a disease known as scoliosis. Proper and regular Gentle Chiropractic Care will help identify early problems and help educate parents while correcting any misalignment related structural needs. Kids will find our staff fun, friendly and engaging. We always end every appointment with a sticker for good behavior.
Elderly Patients and Gentle Chiropractic- NO "popping", "cracking" or twisting!

The baby boom generation is now just passing 65 yrs of age. And they are healthier than ever! But what about their back. 85,000,000 Americans suffer from back and neck pain and a large % of them are the elderly. Is it Arthritis? Is is misalignment in the spine? Probably some of both to be honest. We can't do much for Arthritis, but this we know to be true; Arthritis likes to grow like Kudzu anywhere there is lack of motion or lack of activity. So when the back get "stuck" or "jammed" it is important to set it free as quickly a possible and keep it regularly checked and aligned.
The bones of the elderly often cannot handle a normal, full spine adjustment. So we have options. Our Pro-Adjuster System does not involve "cracking", "popping" or twisting of any kind. The instrument simply taps the vertebra repeatedly and gently back into place while the patient sits comfortably on a soft padded chair. Our elderly patient base has risen dramatically since we purchased this device 7 years ago. Many patients say to us, "now I can bring my mother", or "now I can bring my dad". With the Pro-Adjuster we now can avail ourselves safely to any patient at any age.
The bones of the elderly often cannot handle a normal, full spine adjustment. So we have options. Our Pro-Adjuster System does not involve "cracking", "popping" or twisting of any kind. The instrument simply taps the vertebra repeatedly and gently back into place while the patient sits comfortably on a soft padded chair. Our elderly patient base has risen dramatically since we purchased this device 7 years ago. Many patients say to us, "now I can bring my mother", or "now I can bring my dad". With the Pro-Adjuster we now can avail ourselves safely to any patient at any age.